Stepped on an ant’s nest while planting delphiniums in the garage bed. I’m still squishing the little shits, who are BITING me.

Did the garden walk with Laura yesterday, and bought two very lovely sedums. They, along with two more tiny ones from the grocery store, have gone into the patio bed. Was so tempted to break off a couple of chicks from the specimens at the Idea Garden, but being publically minded, I didn’t.

Deer ate off all the lily buds overnight. Grrrrrr.

I am not happy with the four o’clocks. Contrary to their name, I haven’t been able to find any flowers open at four o’clock or any other time of day. They are covered in about-to-open and recently-open flowers, though. Would prefer something else in that planter next year.

More and more portulaca in the herb garden, and also one viola. That settles it, planter dirt was definitely worked into that bed.

There are open shasta daisies for the first time today. Three cheers!

Favorite new plants from the garden walk this year were Supertunia Pretty Much Picasso, a pink-purple petunia with lime green borders on the flowers, and tri-color beech, which has pink leaves.